ERG Syal Publications in a glance

  • Rapport de synthèse
  • Evolution des styles alimentaires à Dakar
  • La construction de la qualité des produits alimentaires
  • Le poisson fumé sur la Petite Côte sénégalaise
  • Approches et méthodes
  • La transformation artisanale de l’huile de palme au Bénin et au Nigeria
  • Consommation alimentaire des ménages urbains au Bénin
  • Les pratiques alimentaires à Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
  • L’attiéké au Bénin
  • L’aspiration au changement alimentaire à Cotonou, Bénin
  • Production et commercialisation de l’afitin fon dans la région d’Abomey-Bohicon au Bénin
  • New issue of the journal
  • The reinterpretation of the agri-food system and its spatial dynamics through the industrial district
  • Apprendre à innover dans un monde incertain
  • Alimentos e Manifestações Culturais
  • Sistemas Agroalimentarios Localizados en America Latina. Alternativas para el desarrollo territorial
  • Methods and Procedures for Building Sustainable Farming Systems
  • Agriregionieuropa - Numero 30 - Settembre 2012
  • Investigación e innovación en el sector del aceite de oliva en España
  • NEW BOOK: Farming Systems Research into the 21st Century: The New Dynamic
  • La Innovacion en el sector Agroalimentario Euroregional Galicia-Norte de Portugal
  • Quality: A multi and interdisciplinary perspective
  • A proposal for analysing the performance of agricultural processing cooperatives
  • Group heterogeneity and cooperation on the geographical indication regulation: The case of the ‘‘Prosciutto di Parma’’ Consortium
  • International Marketing and Trade of Protected Designation of Origin Products
  • Processes of qualification and spillover effects: the case of Prosciutto di Parma Pdo
  • Geografi ska ursprungsbeteckningar - En preliminär reflektion
  • D’une production localisée à une indication géographique en Amazonie : les enjeux écologiques de la production de farinha de Cruzeiro do Sul
  • Perspectivas Rurales
  • François Boucher evoca Syal en el momento de su visita en Bolivia
  • Local Agri-food Systems in a Global World: Market, Social and Environmental Challenges
  • De la leche al queso: queserías rurales de América Latina
  • SEGREDO DA TERRA  - A New Food System in a New Economy
  • SEGREDO DA TERRA - One or more Organic Agricultures?
  • Sviluppo rurale sostenibile / Sustainable rural development
  • Gastronomins (politiska) geografi
  • Guía metodológica para la activación de sistemas agroalimentarios localizados (sial)

Articles tagged with: sustainable development

WW | 7th International Conference on Localized Agri-food Systems: Challenges for the new rurality in a changing world

 ARCHIVE: 08.05.16  

The European Research Group SYAL, the REDSIAL (Latin American Network on Localised Agri-food Systems) the Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientist NJF, and Södertörn University welcomes you to the 7th conference on localized agri-food systems. The conference will be organized by Södertörn University, NJF, ERG SYAL and REDSIAL, and held in Stockholm the 8-10 of May 2016.

During the last decades, Localized agri-food systems (SYAL) have become increasingly important as tools for farmers, rural firms and consumers to meet market challenges and satisfy the rising demand for “food with a farmers face”. The potential contribution of localized agri-food systems to rural development by promoting economic development, social cohesion and counter-acting the demographic impact of agricultural modernization has also increased their political relevance. Previous research has addressed various aspects of the relationship between SYAL and geographical indications, as well as territorial, organizational and cultural issues, but there are still many unanswered questions and theoretical gaps to fill.

We welcome all topics related to the new rurality and localized agri-food systems.

The conference is conducted with financial and academic sponsorship from the Center for Baltic and Eastern European Studies CBEES, ENTER forum and Södertörn University.

ES | V International Congress of Agroecology and Organic Agriculture

 ARCHIVE: 26.06.14  

Se remitirá resumen ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ), en archivo de texto, con
un máximo de 2 páginas haciendo constar: Autor/a; Titulo; Área
Temática en la que se propóne incluir.
Fecha límite: 15 de marzo.
Respuesta del Comité Científico: recibido el resumen, en 15 días
recibirá el primer autor comunicación de la aceptación o rechazo

PT | Methods and Procedures for Building Sustainable Farming Systems

Publications & Resources
Methods and Procedures for Building Sustainable Farming Systems

This urgent publication surveys the latest research and methodologies combining efficiency in agricultural food production with sustainability in the same systems. Growing pressures on food production seem contrapuntal to the ever-stronger imperatives of sustainability. How can agriculture balance successes in both productivity and ecology? Sustainability is a dynamic concept, seeking to achieve a balance—in space and time—of environmental, economic and social factors. Thus, farming systems are faced with contradictory demands for success: economic performance and social equity have to be maximized, while the environment and its natural resources need to be protected.


Showing how the method of sustainability assessment plays a key role in choosing the best agricultural productive mode, this book guides the reader through the process of selecting, from among the various approaches for building farming systems, the method of decision-making that will result in the most appropriate outcome, given the context. Case studies hail from polities as diverse as Portugal and Canada, Argentina and Lebanon. The work thus offers a valuable critical survey of the assessment methods that account for sustainability and economics, and which have developed considerably in the last two decades. The heterogeneous approaches covered here make this volume appropriate for consultation in a wide variety of social, political and geographical contexts.

Content Level » Research

Keywords » Agriculture environment Decision support methods Sustainability assessment methodologies Sustainability farming assessment Sustainable farming systems

Related subjects » Agricultural Economics Agriculture Operations Research & Decision Theory Sustainable Development

ES | X Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica "20 años impulsando la producción ecológica"

X Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica
 ARCHIVE: 26.09.12  

La Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica (SEAE),
celebra congresos científico-técnicos bianuales desde
1994, donde se presentan, debaten y comparten avances
de la investigación, el desarrollo y la innovación en producción
ecológica y Agroecología, entre investigadores y con operadores
usuarios potenciales de la tecnología desarrollada, conformando
un espacio de diálogo singular entre los agentes de la cadena de
producción ecológica, que genera ideas y nuevas propuestas de
futuro. Desde hace diez años este intercambio se amplia al ámbito

Este año SEAE celebra su decimo aniversario, y propone en forma de lema cuatro conceptos diferenciales de la gestión agroecológica, como solución a múltiples problemas de la situación actual. 

PT | NEW BOOK: Farming Systems Research into the 21st Century: The New Dynamic

Publications & Resources
NEW BOOK: Farming Systems Research into the 21st Century: The New Dynamic


Farming Systems Research has three core characteristics: it builds on systems thinking, it depends on the close collaboration between social and biophysical sciences, and it relies on participation to build co-learning processes. Farming Systems Research posits that to contribute towards sustainable rural development, both interdisciplinary collaborations and local actor engagement are needed. Together, they allow for changes in understanding and changes in practices.
This book gives an overview of the insights generated in 20 years of Farming Systems Research. It retraces the emergence and development of Farming Systems Research in Europe, summarises the state-of-the-art for key areas, and provides an outlook on new explorations, especially those tackling the dynamic nature of farming systems and their interaction with the natural environment and the context of action.
We hope this book will serve as an inspiration for all those who seek an alternative approach to research in farming and rural development. One that builds on the reflexivity of researchers, one that takes the role of human subjectivities and perceptions seriously, one that gives voice to farmers, one that emphasises participation and co-learning processes, one that focuses on interactions between the elements, one that allows to capture interdependencies and their dynamics.
There is no doubt that Farming Systems Research has much to offer to answer the challenges faced by rural areas in the current turbulent and uncertain times. The book is thus aimed at practitioners, at graduate students and at researchers who seek new inspiration outside the mainstream, who take into account the ethical dimension of their work, and who seek encouragement to deepen their reflexivity about the meaning of professional practice and about their approach to research.